
Sunday, September 18, 2022

Hours/Date September 18
12:00-18:30 Registration desk opening
17:00-17:30 Opening Ceremony
17:30-18:00 Award Ceremony
18:00-18:30 Philip J Marriott: Journeys in GC×GC - Developing Ultra-High-Resolution Separations
18:30-19:00 Csaba Szántay: The Human Factor in Scientific Thinking: The Illusions That We Live By

Monday, September 19, 2022

Hours/Date September 19
  Pátria Hall Bartók Room Lehár Room
9:00-9:30 Desmet: Kinetic Plots and What We Can Learn From Them Morlock:Disruptive Planar Innovations: Multiplex Planar Assays, Non-Target 12D-Hyphenations, and 2LabsToGo Systems Thiebaut: A Microfluidic Device For Digital Manipulation Of Gaseous Samples : From Breakthrough Volumes Measurement To Enhanced Preconcentration Of Volatile Compounds
9:30-9:50 Fekete: Pressure-Enhanced Liquid Chromatography: Tuning Selectivity with Pressure Changes Vovk: Challenges in HPTLC and HPTLC-MS Analyses of Phytochemicals in Plant Materials and Food Rosenberg: Fast Gas Chromatography by Using a Negative Thermal Gradient and Short GC Columns
9:50-10:10 Broeckhoven: Measurement and Modelling of Longitudinal Diffusion in Supercritical Fluid Chromatography Scholz: Two-dimensional multiple heart-cut liquid chromatography–mass spectrometry to reveal the sphingolipidome of Caenorhabditis elegans Philippart: Optimization of organic molecule Separation and Detection using Gas Chromatographic column based on MEMS technologies developed for planetary and exobiology studies
10:10-10:30 Horváth: Design and Optimization of Capacity Gradient Stationary Phases Móricz: Two-dimensional liquid chromatography in different ways: 2D-HPTLC and HPTLC-HPLC
10.30-11.00 Coffee Break / Exhibition
  Pátria Hall Bartók Room Lehár Room
11:00-11:30 Cabooter: Detailed performance analysis of zwitterionic hydrophilic interaction liquid chromatography polymer columns Mondello: New Frontier in Ultra Fast-GC from Theory to Pratice Catani: Boosting The Downstream Processing Of Biopharmaceuticals By Means Of Multicolumn Continuous Chromatography
11:30-11:50 Ikegami: Development and Characterization of HILIC Stationary Phases Modified with Polyacrylamide Prepared by different Polymerization Methods Giocastro: Investigation of analytical artifacts in the application of thermodesorption – comprehensive two-dimensional gas chromatography - mass spectrometry for the study of particulate matter and atmospheric processes Niezen: Recycling Liquid Chromatography for the Analysis of Polymer Composition
11:50-12:10 Molnárová: The Potential of Hydrophilic Interaction Liquid Chromatography in the Separation of Glycopeptides Meziani: Optimization of GC columns with radially-elongated pillars with different coatings as second dimension of comprehensive two-dimensional gas chromatography (GC×µGC) Kruijswijk: Understanding the Atypical Chromatographic Behavior of Semi-Crystalline Polyamides
12:10-12:30 Guo: Quantitative assessment of retention mechanisms in hydrophilic interaction chromatography (HILIC) Arantes: Short-Column Gas-Chromatography for the Analysis of Thermally Labile and High Boiling Compounds of Forensic Interest
12:30-13:30 Lunch
13:30-14:30 Shimadzu Vendor Seminar: Better Together – Reaching Higher Peaks - Bartók room
14:30-16:00 Attended Poster Session I. - Presentation of ODD numbered posters
15:30-16:00 Coffee / Poster Session / Exhibition
  Pátria Hall Bartók Room
16:00-16:30 Cavazzini: The quest for evermore speed and efficiency in chiral chromatography: considerations on the effect of particle geometry, particle pore size, and the loading of chiral selector Pirok: State-of-the-Art Chemometric Strategies for Fully Automated Interpretive Method Development in Liquid Chromatography
16:30-16:50 Tarafder: Machine-learning for chiral method-development in high-throughput laboratory – status update Böhmdorfer: Self-Organizing Maps for the Classification and Exploration of Thin-Layer Chromatograms
16:50-17:10 Ilisz: Enantiomeric Separations Based on High-Performance Liquid Chromatography Utilizing Different Types of Chiral Stationary Phases Zöldhegyi: Analytical Quality-by-Design (AQbD) model-based comparison of HPLC-Separation Systems using multivariate eluent Design Spaces – Establishing stationary phase-independent separation of ezetimibe and related impurities across several column chemistries
17:10-17:30 Kubíčková: Chiral Liquid Crystals – Neverending Separation Challenge Simon: In silico separation of overlapped chromatographic 2 peaks with the expectation-maximization algorithm

Tuesday, September 20, 2022

Hours/Date September 20
  Pátria Hall Bartók Room
9:00-9:30 Felletti: Fundamentals of adsorption applied to analytical and preparative liquid chromatography for cannabinoids separations Laemmerhofer: Multidimensional Liquid Chromatography as a Powerful Tool to Enhance Selectivity in Pharmaceutical Analysis
9:30-9:50 Roussel: Application of Prediction Intervals to the Interpretation of the Robustness Study of a UHPLC Method for the Separation of Cannabinoids den Uijl: Retention Modelling on Stationary-Phase-Assisted-Modulation Columns for Application in Two-Dimensional Liquid Chromatography
9:50-10:10 Utczás: Cannabinoids in sport: innovative analytical methods can help Tuczemskyi: The incentive of dual injection capabilities for method development and quantitation in heart-cut 2D-LC
10:10-10:30 Kapnissi-Christodoulou: Use of Synergistic Systems in EKC, HPLC and LC-MS for Improved Separations – Evaluation of Extraction Procedures for the Quantification of Cannabinoids, Polyphenols and Aloins in Plants and Products
10.30-11.00 Coffee Break / Exhibition
  Pátria Hall Bartók Room
11:00-11:30 Fornstedt: Improved Analytical and Preparative Separation Methods of Therapeutic Oligonucleotides using Digital Tools Eeltink: Establishing the next-generation multi-dimensional liquid chromatography
11:30-11:50 Lardeux: The impact of low adsorption surfaces for the chromatographic analysis of oligonucleotides Cesla: Novel Approaches Minimizing Dilution in Comprehensive Two-Dimensional Liquid Chromatography
11:50-12:10 Hayashida: Investigation of supercritical fluid chromatography (SFC) analytical conditions for oligonucleotides Bandini: Combining Temperature Gradient Elution with Refractive Index Detection through Temperature-Responsive Liquid Chromatography
12:10-12:30 Schwahn: Oligonucleotide Sequencing by LC-MS/MS: A novel Approach for Characterization and Quality control of mRNA-based Vaccines and Biotherapeutics Üzümcü: External Cavity Quantum Cascade Laser (EC-QCL) coupled SEC for online detection of functional groups at ppm level
12:30-13:30 Lunch
13:30-14:30 Thermo Fischer Scientific Vendor Seminar: Semi-preparative LC purification and analytical characterization of genetic chemical scissors for impurity precision profiling and genomic fingerprinting - Bartók room
14:30-16:00 Attended Poster Session II. - Presentation of EVEN numbered posters
15:30-16:00 Coffee / Poster Session / Exhibition
  Pátria Hall Bartók Room
16:00-16:30 Gritti: Vacuum Jacketed Column Technology For Improved Ultra-High Pressure Liquid Chromatography Mass Spectrometry Performance Kutter: Tackling Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Questions using Thiolene-based Microfluidic Devices
16:30-16:50 Huygens: Band Broadening in Multicapillary Columns with Diffusional Bridging – Alleviating the Polydispersity Problem Biagioni: A continuous microfluidic sieve for the size-based fractionation of particle suspensions and colloids
16:50-17:10 Boiteux: The Importance of Column Compartment Thermostatting and Preheating for Temperature Sensitive Separations in Liquid Chromatography Werres: Peak Broadening Caused by Using Different Micro Liquid Chromatography Detectors
17:10-17:30 Moussa: Computational fluid dynamics study of the fine details of the viscous heating band broadening and potential solutions to alleviate it in liquid chromatography at pressures up to 2500bar in 2.1 millimeter columns Op de Beeck: High aspect ratio pillar array columns for deep proteome profiling at moderate LC pump pressur

Wednesday, September 21, 2022

Hours/Date September 21
  Pátria Hall Bartók Room
9:00-9:30 Köllensperger: Fit for purpose metabolomic workflows – key aspects of validation Roses: Characterization of Retention Interactions in Reversed Phase and Hydrophilic Interaction Liquid Chromatography
9:30-9:50 Böttinger: Quantification of N-glycosylation signatures of monoclonal antibodies using liquid chromatography – mass spectrometry Bell: The Impact of Organic Modifiers on Hydrophilic Interaction Liquid Chromatography (HILIC) Retention Mechanisms
9:50-10:10 D'Atri: Anion-Exchange Chromatography at the Service of Gene Therapy: Boosting the separation of Full/Empty Adeno-Associated Virus Capsids Appelblad: Stationary Phases for Hydrophilic Interaction Liquid Chromatography and Use of Multivariate Analysis to Classify Materials
10:10-10:30 Duivelshof: Expediting the Characterization of COVID-19 Therapeutic mAbs using Innovative Ultra-Short Column Formats and Automated Chromatography-Based Method Modeling Zatirakha: Advances in the Design of Anion Exchange Stationary Phases for Ion Chromatography with Various Bonding Chemistries
10.30-11.10 Coffee Break / Exhibition
  Pátria Hall Bartók Room
11:10-11:30 Sadriaj: A detailed investigation of mass transfer phenomena in core-shell particles with different particle and pore sizes Tereshatov: Chromatography study of fundamental properties of medical radioisotope astatine-211
11:30-11:50 Machtejevas: Understanding New Porous Graphitic Carbon Chromatography columns: retention mechanisms and applications Chenet: Separation of Heavy Metals from Aqueous Solution using Scallop Shells as Adsorbent Material. Investigation of the Interactions of Metals with Shell Matrix Components
11:50-12:10 Zhou: Design of next-generation polymer-monolithic stationary phases targeting ultra-high resolving power of proteomic sequencing Vievard: Flax fibers as new filter for metals removal from runoff waters
12:10-12:30 Cerbelli: Potentialities and limitations of vortex chromatography Stevanin: Adsorption Treatments for Water Remediation by Zeolite Y: Removal of Per-poly fluoroalkyl substances (PFAS)
12:30-14:00 Lunch
14:00-15:30 Poster Session III./ Exhibition
15:30-16:00 Coffee / Exhibition
  Pátria Hall Bartók Room
16:00-16:30 Schmitz: Why use GC-EI-MS when you can do better? Nagy: Development of Immobilized Enzymatic Microreactors for Bottom-Up Proteomic Studies
16:30-16:50 Gáspár: Intact Protein Analysis by Capillary Zone Electrophoresis – Mass Spectrometry Linford: A Flow-Through Atmospheric Pressure-Atomic Layer Deposition Reactor for Thin-Film Deposition inside Capillary Columns
16:50-17:10 Fadil: FastRet: Fast and Simple Retention Time Prediction with SMILES Pursch: Fast online LC reaction monitoring using sub-minute UHPLC separations in combination with “feed” injection
17:10-17:30 Boertjes: Trace Analysis of Haloacetic Acids in Environmental Water Samples using High Pressure Ion Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry Heidorn: The role of universal detection in modern liquid chromatography

Thursday, September 22, 2022

Hours/Date September 22
  Pátria Hall Bartók Room
9:00-9:30 Kohout: Gradient Supercritical Fluid Chromatography Coupled to Mass Spectrometry with a Gradient Flow of a Make-up Solvent Drahos: RP-HPLC-MS analysis of intact proteins: how to use deconvolution?
9:30-9:50 Gros: On-line Supercritical Fluid Extraction - Supercritical Fluid Chromatography (SFE-SFC) for Nonpolar and Polar compounds from Milk Thistle Seeds James Achieving Rapid LC-MS Analyses using Short 10 mm Columns
9:50-10:10 Nováková: Supercritical Fluids in Analysis and Extraction of Amaryllidaceae Alkaloids from Narcissus sp. Halvorsen: Smart Samplers for Mass Spectrometric Bioanalysis of Proteins
10:10-10:30 Kruijswijk: Understanding the Atypical Chromatographic Behavior of Semi-Crystalline Polyamides Aissa: Strategy for Structural Elucidation of Lipid A: Elucidation of Protonated and Disodiated Molecules using CID based MS/MS and MSn Methods in Mass Spectrometry
10.30-11.00 Coffee Break / Exhibition
  Pátria Hall Bartók Room
11:00-11:30 Vigh: Carrier Ampholyte-Based Isoelectric Focusing in Capillaries and Gels Is Not a Steady-State Process, It Is Transient Bidirectional Isotachophoresis Turiák: Proteomic Analysis of Small Cell and Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer Tissue Samples
11:30-11:50 Sepsey: An adventurous journey around the thermodynamics of liquid chromatography Peterka: H/D Pooling of Benzoyl Derivatives: Internal Standard per Each Analyte for Lipidomic Quantitation by RP-UHPLC/MS
11:50-12:10 Bos: Computer-aided multi-level characterization of functional cellulose ethers using liquid chromatography with triple and mass spectrometric detection Tóth: HILIC and Graphite-based Solid-phase Extraction of Heparan Sulfate Disaccharides
12:10-12:30 Kajtazi: Introduction, application, and extension of ChromaRIM: a liquid chromatography retention index model for enhancing structural identification of small CxHyOz molecules Bugyi: Development of Sample Preparation Methods for the Proteomic Analysis of Phosphopeptides
12:30-13:30 Lunch
  Pátria Hall
13:30-14:00 Schoenmakers: Separations, Dimensions, Actions and Reactions
14:00-14:30 Holcapek: UHPSFC/MS in Lipidomic Quantitation: Towards the Clinical Screening of Pancreatic Cancer
14:30-15:00 Edge: An Assessment of Stationary Phase Selectivity in SFC
15:00-15:30 Closing Ceremony

List of accepted posters sort by

Abdulkarim AlbishriP-029Determination of pKa of Analytes and pH of Buffers in Methanol-Water Mobile Phases by the Internal Standard – Capillary Electrophoresis Method.
Abdulkarim AlbishriP-035Dynamic Microfluidic Device for Rapid Determination of Octanol/Water Partition
Mereke AlimzhanovaP-081The analysis of semi-volatile additives in wines by Vacuum-assisted Headspace Solid-Phase Microextraction method
Diego Walter Allgaier DíazP-205Biopolymers as sustainable microextraction materials for the environmental monitoring of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and personal care products
Ali AminiP-191Optimization of the 3D-printing fabrication processes for prototyping microfluidic devices for spatial multi-dimensional liquid chromatography
Patrik AppelbladP-174Quantitative Analysis of Nitrosamine Impurities using LC-MS Methods from the United States Pharmacopeia General Chapter <1469>
Anbuthangam AshokanP-193Preparation of Nickel ion substituted hydroxyapatite (NiSHAp) matrix for L-asparaginase purification
Ivett BacskayP-066Investigation of the Retention Mechanisms of Chlorinated Cellulose-based Chiral HPLC Stationary Phases
Márton BaglyasP-083Effect-directed Isolation of Bioactive Compounds from Giant Goldenrod (Solidago gigantea Ait.) Leaf
Takeshi BambaP-025UC/HILIC, a novel strategy to improve the metabolomics coverage of current unified chromatography
Edit BataiP-175Long-term harmonized USP and EP stability studies of SBECD (DexolveTM) and CD-Screen-IEC HPLC column
Saida BelarbiP-026Development and optimization of Supercritical Fluid Extraction-Supercritical Fluid Chromatography coupled to mass spectrometry method (SFE-SFC-MS): application to cosmetics
David BellP-124Faster GC-MS Analysis of the Priority PAH Pollutants with a Short Narrow-Bore Column and Method Translation
Risako BetsunoP-084Evaluation of the stability of NMN in yeast culture fluid and its effect on human skin model
Grzegorz BoczkajP-119Towards usefulness of Gas Chromatography (GC) for research on Advanced Chemical Treatment Processes
Helene BoiteuxP-040Improvements in the Chromatographic Analysis of Antiviral Compounds Utilizing a New Hybrid Organic-Inorganic Surface Technology
Desiree BozzaP-176Greening reversed-phase liquid preparative chromatography using alternative solvents to acetonitrile for the purification of a therapeutic peptide
Stefan BöhmdorferP-155Assessing the Orthogonality of Stationary Phases for Comprehensive GCxGC Measurements of Essential Oils
Alessandro Buratti P-202Supercritical Fluid Chromatography as a Green Alternative to Normal Phase Liquid Chromatography for the Separations of Phyto Cannabinoids
Marcia Isabel Cadena AizagaP-206Occurrence and bioconcentration of organic UV filters in primary marine consumers from Gran Canaria (Spain)
Marcia Isabel Cadena AizagaP-207Occurrence and environmental hazard of organic UV filters in seawater and wastewater from Gran Canaria (Spain)
Mirco CesconP-208Preconcentration of OTCs (OrganoTin Compounds) in water matrices, speciation investigation by HPLC-ICP-MS
Petra ChaľováP-120Optimization of a Novel Analytical Method for Total Phenanthrene Quantification
Petra ChaľováP-121Development of a GC-FID Method for Determination of Short Chain Fatty Acids in Human Plasma
Alla ChernobrovkinaP-130Manipulating the Performance of Novel Zwitter-Ionic Stationary Phases for HILIC
Natalia ChikurovaP-131Novel Adsorbents for HILIC Obtained via the Ugi Multicomponent Reaction Varying Isocyanide and Carbonyl Compound
Petr ChocholoušP-1562D chromatography based on Flow Programming
Marios ChristodoulouP-086Evaluation of Soxhlet, SPE and UAE Extraction Procedures for the Quantification of Seven Major Cannabinoids in Eight Cannabis Infused Edibles by LC-MS
Eva CifkovaP-018Analysis of Endocannabinoids and Polar Metabolites in Human Placenta using LC/MS
Virginia ComanP-088Prevalence of Some Organic Contaminants in Vegetables and Drinking Water Samples Consumed by Rural Roma Communities in Transylvania
Jean-François CotteP-041Characterization of vaccine antigen/adjuvant interactions by Capillary Zone Electrophoresis: Application to polio virus/aluminum oxyhydroxyde
Orsolya CsernákP-089Quantitative Analysis of Human Milk Oligosaccharides in Breast Milk, Infant Formula and Food Supplements by HPLC-MS/MS
Gergő DargóP-195Various Applications of Centrifugal Partition Chromatography as a Means of Liquid-Liquid Chromatography for Purification of Small Molecule Compounds and Proteins
Agustina de la CalP-090Identification of 3,5-dimethylpyrazole aquifer contamination as the origin of odor events in a drinking water supply system
Evelien DejaegereP-177Method for the Analysis and Quantitation of Pharmaceutical Counterions Utilizing Hydrophilic Interaction Liquid Chromatography
Evelien DejaegereP-209Automated Sample Preparation for Bioanalytical SPE Method Development & Optimization using Andrew+ Pipetting Robot
Sylvain DemanzeP-056Automating chromatographic data batch-processing in Drug Discovery with MGears
Mimi den UijlP-157Combining Photodegradation in a Liquid-Core-Waveguide Cell with Two-Dimensional Liquid Chromatography
Tamás DitróiP-210Critical re-investigations of the detection of per- and polysulfide species in cells for metabolomic measurements
Amanda DlugaschP-004Comparison of Mixer Performance for Challenging Long Shallow Gradients
Joel Domínguez-PérezP-211Microwave-Assisted Extraction and Ultra-High-Performance Liquid Chromatography tandem Mass Spectrometry (MAE-UHPLC-MS/MS) Methodology for the Determination of Steroid Hormones in Solid Samples from Natural Purification Systems.
James EdwardsP-203Evaluation of a Novel Hybrid Silica Solid Phase Extraction plate by HPLC-MS
Daniel EßerP-042Analytical Study of the Separation Behaviour of Oligonucleotides on IP-RPLC
Karine FaureP-158Off-line LC x SFC - HRMS development for the Characterization of the Wastewater from Algae Hydrothermal Liquefaction
Ida FejősP-067Cyclodextrin Complexation Study of the Unstable Acetoxychavicol-acetate, a Promising Component of Galangal (Alpinia galanga)
Szabolcs FeketeP-054Column Hardware Modified with a Hydrophilic Hybrid Surface for Aqueous Biomolecule Separations
Csenge Felegyi-TóthP-091Mid- and Long-Term Stability Study of Cyclic Diarylheptanoids from Carpinus Betulus
Torgny FornstedtP-001Chromatographic Surprises: Are the Injected Molecules Always in the Peak?
Olivia FrenzelP-049Identification of transformation products and metabolites of selected Bisphenols
Elisabet FuguetP-036Effect of viscosity on the determination of the retention factor in electrokinetic chromatography
Elisabet FuguetP-178Performance of Different Models to Estimate Skin Permeability
Kata Dorina FügediP-212Cotton-HILIC and graphite based solid phase extraction purification methods for chondoritin sulfate disaccharides
Laura García CansinoP-037Modeling the Enantiomeric Separation of a Mixture of Drugs by Cyclodextrin Electrokinetic Chromatography
Laura García CansinoP-213A Sustainable and Innovative Analytical Approach Based on µSPEed/UHPLC-PDA for the Determination of Pesticides in Food and Environmental Samples
Attila GáspárP-092Determination of Phenolic Compounds using Capillary Zone Electrophoresis coupled to Mass Spectrometry
Celestine GemuhP-159Functionalization of Commercial Hydrophilic-lipophilic Balanced Copolymer for Automatic Magnetic Dispersive Micro-solid Phase Extraction of Surface Water Contaminants.
Barbara GiocastroP-125Development of an in-situ measurement system for the simultaneous characterization of VOCs and SVOCs in ambient aerosols
Róbert GóraP-160Characterization of Humic Acids Isolated from Soil by Off-line Combination of Preparative Isotachophoresis and Size-Exclusion Chromatography
Fabrice GrittiP-223Gradient Recycling Chromatography for the Preparation of Pure Target Compounds Present in Highly Complex Mixtures
Fabrice GrittiP-224Explaining Retention and Column Efficiency from Scratch: Bed Reconstruction and Molecular Dynamics Toolbox
Sylvia GrosseP-058Automated UHPLC method development for mebendazole and related impurities, from method scouting to robustness testing
Sylvia GrosseP-153The Dual LC Concept for Productivity Increase in Various Applications and Industries
Anja GrüningP-137Determination of Various PFAS in Drinking Water Using On-line SPE Coupled to LC-MS/MS
Rayco Guedes-AlonsoP-214Evaluation of Molecularly Imprinted Solid Phase Extraction Cartridges based on Estrogens to Analyze the Presence of Different Steroid Hormones in Wastewaters
Tomáš HájekP-161Three-loop modulator for comprehensive two-dimensional liquid chromatography
Bence HalmiP-180Investigation of Potential Mutagenic N-Nitrosamines in Active Substances by LC-MS/MS
Narmin HamidliP-030Analysis of intact proteins with capillary zone electrophoresis coupled to mass spectrometry using uncoated and coated capillaries
Stephanie HardenP-059Applying Quality by Design Principles to the Migration of a Compendial Method between Multiple HPLC Systems
Simon HeckscherP-13513C11-Tryptophan Tracing Analysis in Hodgkin Lymphoma Cell Lines
Jana HercikováP-068Chromatographic Self-Recognition of Chiral Zwitterion Ion Exchange Stationary Phases
Krisztián HorváthP-006Combination of Stochastic Theory and Mass Balance Models of High Performance Liquid Chromatography
Simon HorváthP-069Examination of Chemoselectivity Gained from a Chiral HPLC Method Screening Sequence in Polar Organic Solvent Mode
Hirotaka IharaP-009Nano-coating with Carbon-Like, π-Conjugated Organic Layer onto Porous Silica Surface for Ultra-selective Adsorption
Katerina IoannouP-070Evaluation of Cyclodextrin- and Cyclofructan- based Chiral Selectors for the Enantioseparation of Psychoactive Substances in Capillary Electrophoresis
Georgia IoannouP-093Simultaneous Determination of Compounds with Laxative Action in Aloe Vera Plants Under Different Conditions and in Aloe Vera Based Products by a Simple HPLC-DAD Method
Matt JamesP-181Using Novel Stationary Phase Selectivity to Address Potential NDMA Over-Quantification due to Isobaric Interference in the LC-MS/MS Analysis of Nitrosamines
Miroslav JancoP-162Expanding Detection Capabilities in SEC and APC: On-line SEC-ICP/MS and APC-ICP/MS Hyphenation
Andrea KalauzP-182Simultaneous determination of small molecular weight nitrosamines by fast gas chromatography mass spectrometry (fast GC-MS)
Květa KalíkováP-016Separation of peptides and protein digests in mixed-mode chromatography
Yahia KazmouzP-201Competitive adsorption of the mobile phase components in supercritical fluid chromatography
Maria KhalikovaP-019Sample Preparation for the Metabolomic Analysis in Neurological Disorders
Aneta KholováP-204Simultaneous determination of three mycotoxins – ochratoxin A, zearalenone, and citrinin in plant-based liquids and comparison three various sorbents using on-line SPE-HPLC with fluorescence detection
Tamar KirvalidzeP-117Analysis of Flavonoids in Georgian Wine Waste Products by HPLC/DAD
Romain KleinP-163Characterization of automobile material emissions by TD-GCxGC-TOFMS and correlation with odor hedonic perception in humans
Natalie KolderováP-138Enantioseparation of Deschloroketamine and its Metabolites by Supercritical Fluid Chromatography Hyphenated to Mass Spectrometry
Eva KorenčičP-094Antioxidant activity of yellow mealworm (Tenebrio molitor larvae) and effect directed isolation of the antioxidative fraction
Róbert KormányP-183Development of a Fast and Robust UHPLC Method for Apixaban In-Process Control Analysis
Dmytro KosolapovP-031Development of Capillary Electrophoresis Method for the Simultaneous Separation of Boswellic Acids and Nonsteroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs
Oleksandr KozlovP-020Chiral SFC/MS Method for the Direct Separation of Mono- and Diacylglycerol Isomers: Application to the Analysis of Hydrolysis Products of Triacylglycerols by Lipases
Dennis KöhlerP-043High-throughput analysis of oligonucleotides using a single quadrupole mass spectrometer for quality control
Árpád KönczölP-194Applicability Of Centrifugal Partition Chromatography In Downstream Bioprocessing
Tímea KörmöcziP-050Challenges in designer drug analysis, through the 4F-MDMB-BICA synthetic cannabinoid
Vadim KraftP-095The Determination of Cannabinoids Content within Gummy Based Confectionary
Vadim KraftP-096Analysis of Organic Acids in Beer by Ion-Exclusion Chromatography and Post-Column pH-Buffering Conductivity Detection
Vadim KraftP-133Ion Chromatography Analysis of Degradation Products in Lithium-Ion Battery Electrolytes
Petra KrejčíP-139Potential of ASAP-MS Technique and its Application for Metabolite Profiling in Plant Microsamples
Dániel KrüzselyiP-164Unconventional practice of SPE extraction - the simultaneous application of normal and reversed phases
Dávid LaczkóP-097Scalable Separation of Ecdysteroids using Centrifugal Partition Chromatography (CPC)
Nándor LambertP-051Determination of endocannabinoids from human serum with LC-MS/MS method
Sara Lara-TorresP-098Evaluating the content of Heavy Metals in Aloe Vera Gel Samples through microwave-assisted digestion followed by graphite furnace atomic absorption spectroscopy
Sam LiP-078Speciation and Validation of Metal Compounds in Environmental Water Samples
Feiyang LiP-165Hyphenated Two-Dimensional Liquid Chromatography and Mass Spectrometry for Synthetic Oligonucleotides
Anna LipphardtP-166Hyphenated Techniques for Comprehensive Analysis of Glycolipidic Biosurfactants Based on Supercritical Fluid Chromatography
Diána LukácsP-134Retention Depending on Ionic and Molecular Properties in Ion Exchange Chromatography
Egidijus MachtejevasP-010Monolithic Silicas in High Performance Liquid Chromatography – unique material with unique benefits
George MajorP-011A Tag-and-Count Approach for Quantifying Surface Silanol Densities using Atomic Layer Deposition and High-Sensitivity Low-Energy Ion Scattering
Robert MarksP-140How to Couple LC-IRMS with HRMS – A Proof-of-Concept Study
Michaela MatuškováP-032Optimization of CZE-UV Method for Simultaneous Analysis of Seven Biological Substances
Michaela MatuškováP-033Hyphenation of 2D-CE with MS/MS Detection for Determination of Serotonin in Clinical Urine Samples
Judit MátyásiP-122Response of Flame Ionization Detector for Organic Compounds Containing Heteroatoms
Madalina MedeleanuP-099Optimization of the Method of Forming Nano-Emulsions and Their Characterization
Oscar Mercado-ValenzoP-044Characterisation of Polyethylene Fibres as a Reference Hydrophobic Material for Chromatographic Purification of Peptides
Martin MeyerP-027A comparison of the effects of metal-free columns and bio-inert UHPLC systems on nucleotide analysis
Mélanie MignotP-100SPME-GC/MS for pesticides analysis: Palm wine case of study
Lisa MiroslavP-021UHPSFC/MS Lipidomic Analysis: Inter- and Intra-Class Separation of Lipids
Lucia MitašíkP-184Comparative 90-day study of Toxicokinetic profile of Fixed Combination of antihypertensive drugs in Rats
Stef MolenaarP-060MOREPEAKS, optimization software for multidimensional liquid chromatography
Malwina MomotkoP-012Novel types of stationary phases for gas chromatography based on deep eutectic solvents (DESs)
Michele MoranaP-123Smart Micro Gas Chromatograph for Online Detection and Analysis of Malodorous Substances
Alexandre Mourão RodriguesP-141Method Validation for the Analysis of Pesticides in Water Samples using Solid Phase Extraction and Liquid Chromatography coupled to Mass Spectrometry Tandem (SPE-LC-MS/MS) - Matrix effect assessing and monitoring results in water sources
Bashir MubasherP-167Characterization of (co-)Polymer Mixtures by Employing Multiple Heart-Cutting Two-Dimensional Liquid Chromatography with Multi-detector Size Exclusion Chromatography
Alexandra ZatirakhaP-101HPLC determination of biogenic amines in beer by AQC derivatization
Mariami MurtazashviliP-142Analysis of Naphthoyl Indole Derivative Synthetic Cannabinoid MAM-2201 in blood by Liquid Chromatography Tandem Mass Spectrometry
Jana NádvorníkováP-028Pea Seed Metabolite Profiling Using Combined GC/MS and PyGC-MS Analysis
Katalin NagyP-022Plant Based Products Intended for Authentication vs. Limited Set of Known Discriminating Metabolites: Hungarian Liquors in the Crosshair of Untargeted Metabolomics
Cynthia NagyP-185Study of the Degradation of Human Insulin
Yu NakajimaP-102Improvement of NMN stability and inhibitory effects of polyphenol components on NMN degradation
Gábor NémetiP-072High-Performance Liquid Chromatographic Separations in Polar Organic and Normal Phase Mode Utilizing Polysaccharide-based Chiral Stationary Phases
Hanna NikolaichukP-103Screening of Akebia quinata D. bioactivity via effect directed analysis based on HPTLC hyphenated HRMS
Hanna NikolaichukP-104Effect directed analysis of Clitoria ternatea L. flower based on HPTLC-MS
Gyula NyergesP-007Investigation of the Effect of Acidic Modification on Polyethylene Glycol Stationary Phase Columns
Ioana Oprea (Trandafir)P-105Green Synthesis of Colloidal Gold Nanoparticles using Citrus Essential Oils - Morphology, Physico-Chemical Characterization and Microbiological Properties.
Javier PachecoP-215Monitoring of organic ultraviolet filters and stabilizers adsorb in microplastics from beaches of the Macaronesia.
Domonkos PálP-143Glycomic Characterization of Liver Tissues with Cirrhosis and Hepatocarcinoma
Zoltán PálinkásP-106LC-Q-TOF: An Excellent Choice for Confirmatory Analysis of Doping Substances in Dietary Supplements
Boglárka PállP-186Development of an Analytical Method for the Determination of N-bromosuccinimide in Two Different Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients by High-performance Ion Chromatography with Suppressed Conductivity Detection
Boglárka PállP-216The Role of Sample Preparation Techniques in Liquid Chromatography Analysis of Pollutants of Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients
Vlad-Alexandru PănescuP-079Historical Assessment of Atmospheric POP Depositions in Muntinu Glacial Lake, Southern Romanian Carpathians, Based on Radionuclide-Dated Sediments
Vlad-Alexandru PănescuP-080Evaluation of the History of POPs Pollution in Știucilor Lake, Cluj County, Romania, based on radionuclide-dated sediments and GC analyses
Chris Tuczemskyi on behalf of Sabrina PatzeltP-045Simultaneous reversed-phase and anion-exchange method scouting for mRNA impurity determination
Dennis Koehler on behalf of Sabrina PatzeltP-168Ensuring precise isolation of macromolecules by hyphenating UHPLC separation power with exact fractionation for analytical and semi-preparative LC purification
Veronika PilařováP-198Systematic Study of Long-Term Retention Time Stability in SFC
Josh PinderP-013Deposition of Thin-Films in Capillary Columns using Near-Atmospheric-Pressure Atomic Layer Deposition
Katerina PlachkaP-144The Effect of Make-Up Solvent Composition on Response in Supercritical Fluid Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry Using Single and Triple Quadrupole
Tereza PlojharováP-187The Bioequivalence Study in Dogs
Michael PollardP-169Functionalized poly(ethylene glycol)s (PEGs) as a reference material for detection of polymeric end groups via SEC hyphenated with FTIR and 1-H-NMR (80 MHz)
Eka PusfitasariP-217Aerial drone furnished with miniaturized versatile air sampling systems for selective collection of nitrogen containing compounds from air samples
Ann QinP-173Determination of 13C-palmitate using thin-layer chromatography coupled with GC-MS to determine de novo lipogenesis of firsocostat
Vivek RajendranP-196High throughput continuous refolding of L-asparaginase Inclusion bodies
Csanád RédeiP-199Exploring the Difficulties of Mass Flow Measurements in Supercritical Fluid Chromatography
Lídia RedónP-126Selection of Hold-up Volume Determination Methods and Markers in Hydrophilic Interaction Liquid Chromatography
Lídia RedónP-127Study of the Fundamental Band Broadening Properties of HILIC Using the Peak Parking Method
Rafael ReisP-145Ultra-High Performance Liquid Chromatography in combination with High Resolution Mass Spectrometry for the analysis of Electrochemical Degradation Products of 17-alpha-ethinylestradiol (EE2) and Biological Assessment of their Estrogenic Activity
Max ReuschenbachP-061Development of a Data Quality Score to characterize the reliability of features generated by processing of data from non-target analysis with HPLC-HRMS
Marti RosesP-128Water Absorption in Hydrophilic Interaction Liquid Chromatography Columns. Influence of Mobile and Stationary Phases.
Jean-Marc RousselP-062From Robustness to Uncertainty of Measurement in Chromatographic Assay Methods Development with a Single Software
Tomáš RozsypalP-218Disposable rubber gloves as evidence samples after chemical attack with nerve agents
Sandra Salido-FortunaP-073Chiral Analysis of Indacaterol in Enantiomerically Pure Pharmaceutical Formulations by Cyclodextrin Electrokinetic Chromatography
Sandra Salido-FortunaP-074Enantiomeric Separation of Licarbazepine by Electrokinetic Chromatography with Carboxyethylated derivatized Cyclodextrins. Study of the Enantiomer-Selector Interactions by NMR
Igor SantanaP-108Bioactive compounds from Citrus peel waste evaluated by Supercritical Fluid Chromatography: Study of stationary and mobile phase composition
Montse Saura CayuelaP-109Evaluation of the Volatile Profile of Passion Fruit Juices using Headspace Solid-Phase Microextraction and Gas Chromatography - Mass Spectrometry
Thomas SchüßelerP-038Highly efficient Analysis of 18 PAHs with Shim-C18-PAH
Vera SchwantesP-146Investigation of mitochondrial cardiolipins by reversed phase liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry
Kristian SerafimovP-023Targeted metabolic profiling workflow for urine, plasma and cell extracts by hydrophilic interaction liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry
Anna ŚliwińskaP-055MLC Technique and QRARS/QSARS Models to Predict Different Properties of Potential Pesticides
Anna ŚliwińskaP-188Predicting Pharmacokinetic Properties of Potential Anticancer Agents via Their Chromatographic Behavior on Different Reversed Phase Materials
Michael SollP-147De-Formulation of various (Bio)-Plastic Bags using Evolved Gas Analysis and Pyrolysis-GC/MS
Michael SollP-148Development of mass spectrometry search algorithm for mixed microplastics by Py-GC/MS
Irina SpulingP-197Simultaneous Online LC Reaction Monitoring of Small Molecules and Trace Impurities using UV Detection
Ondrej ŠtefánikP-034Development of a CZE-UV Method with Repeated Sample Injection in Hydrodynamically Closed System for Determination of Ibuprofen
Ondrej ŠtefánikP-149High Throughput CZE-MS Method for Determination of Triptorelin in Pharmaceutical and Biological Matrices
Frank SteinerP-171A 1D/2D-UHPLC-MS System and its use in the Field of Drug Metabolism and Pharmacokinetics
Lorin SteinhaeuserP-219Comparison of Different Chromatography and Mass Spectrometry Methods for the Analysis of Selected Estrogens at Ultra-Trace Level
Claudia StevaninP-110Grain Sorghum Crops: Use of Green Manure as Biofumigant and to Increase Soil Fertility
Min SuP-024Targeted Analysis of Sugar Mono-Phosphates by Liquid Chromatography Coupled with Tandem Mass Spectrometry
Xavier SubiratsP-005Solvent Maps in Liquid Chromatography
Xavier SubiratsP-129Acetonitrile/Aqueous Buffered Mobile Phases in Hydrophilic Interaction Liquid Chromatography: Not a Piece of Cake
Gabriella SzabovikP-189Direct determination of chloride ion by HPLC-DAD? Yes, it works.Direct determination of chloride ion by HPLC-DAD? Yes, it works.
Péter Soma SzakályP-150Separation and Identification of Four Regioisomers of a Sugammadex-related Impurity
Dénes SzerencsésP-002Uncertainty in the determination of thermodynamic parameters in high - performance liquid chromatography
Makoto TakafujiP-132Zwitterionic Polymer-Grafted Porous Silica Particles for HILIC Mode Stationary Phase
Eliise TammekiviP-172Non-Targeted Analysis of Depolymerized Lignin with Online 2D LCxLC-QTOF-MS Technique
Dániel TanácsP-075Liquid Chromatographic Enantioseparation of Fluorinated ß-Phenylalanine Analogs Utilizing Superficially Porous Particles
Lucie TintropP-220Simultaneous Determination of Fatty Acids and Fatty Acid Methyl Esters by HS-SPME arrow GC-MS/MS
Nicola TongeP-063The Best of Both Worlds – Tailored Analysis of Affinity Selection MS Data with a Generic Automation Engine
Nicola TongeP-064Automated LC-MS Data Analysis to Determine Physicochemical Properties of Lead Compounds in Early Drug Discovery
Judit TormásiP-111Grape seed powder inhibits lipid digestibility in various foods. An in vitro study.
Evelin Tóth-FarsangP-048Cation-Exchange Chromatography for the Separation of Monoclonal Antibodies
Ferenc TömösiP-052Targeted Metabolomics of Tryptophan and its Metabolites in Neurological Diseases
Rainer TurekP-112Characterisation of Delta-8 THC Distillates using HPLC with PDA and Mass Spectrometry Detection
Rainer TurekP-221LC-MS Bioanalytical Quantification of a GalNAc-siRNA Conjugate Oligonucleotide Using Semi-Automated Solid Phase Extraction
Lu TurkovićP-053Development and Clinical Application of a Novel DLLME-HPLC-DAD-FLD Method for the Determination of CDK4/6 Inhibitors in Patient Plasma Samples
Toms UpmanisP-076Enantioseparation of 4-Phenyl-substituted Pyrrolidin-2-one Derivatives on Immobilized Cellulose-based Phase Derivatized with 3,5-Dichlorophenylcarbamate under Multimodal Elution
Toms UpmanisP-077Chiral Recognition Mechanism Studies of Tyr-Arg-Phe-Lys-NH2 Tetrapeptide on Crown Ether Based Chiral Stationary Phases
Dirk Van den HeuvelP-200Evaluation of Supercritical Fluid Chromatography and Ultra-high Performance Liquid Chromatography for Polar Analytes Analysis.
Jana VanovaP-154Large Volume Electrophoretic Preconcentration as an Efficient Tool for Improvement of Two-Dimensional Liquid-Phase Separations
Erzsébet VargaP-222Software-supported HPLC Method Development to Baseline Separate Four Regioisomers of a Sugammadex-related Impurity
Heike WächtlerP-046Analysis of Lipid Nanoparticle Composition
Yoshiyuki WatabeP-065Intelligent peak and spectrum deconvolution using photodiode array detector
Yoshiyuki WatabeP-190Co-polymer characterization by combination use of HPLC and Raman microscopy
Tobias WerresP-192Towards a 3D Printed Highly Customizable Lab-on-Chip-Platform
Mark WoodruffP-014New porous monodisperse particles for increasing resolution in Liquid Chromatography
Mark WoodruffP-015New Porous Monodisperse HPLC particles
Takuya YamaneP-114Analysis of amino acid contents in aronia juice
Francisco Javier Yuste CórdobaP-115Direct Analysis of Valuable By-products in Cork Wastewater
Alexandra ZatirakhaP-152Ion Chromatography Mass Spectrometry Methods for Cationic Polar Pesticides Analysis
Jure ZekičP-116Investigation of phenolic compounds in hemp
Dóra ZelenyánszkiP-003Effect of Column Design on the Heterogeneity of Stationary Phases in Fast Liquid Chromatography
Torgny FornstedtP-001Chromatographic Surprises: Are the Injected Molecules Always in the Peak?
Dénes SzerencsésP-002Uncertainty in the determination of thermodynamic parameters in high - performance liquid chromatography
Dóra ZelenyánszkiP-003Effect of Column Design on the Heterogeneity of Stationary Phases in Fast Liquid Chromatography
Amanda DlugaschP-004Comparison of Mixer Performance for Challenging Long Shallow Gradients
Xavier SubiratsP-005Solvent Maps in Liquid Chromatography
Krisztián HorváthP-006Combination of Stochastic Theory and Mass Balance Models of High Performance Liquid Chromatography
Gyula NyergesP-007Investigation of the Effect of Acidic Modification on Polyethylene Glycol Stationary Phase Columns
Hirotaka IharaP-009Nano-coating with Carbon-Like, π-Conjugated Organic Layer onto Porous Silica Surface for Ultra-selective Adsorption
Egidijus MachtejevasP-010Monolithic Silicas in High Performance Liquid Chromatography – unique material with unique benefits
George MajorP-011A Tag-and-Count Approach for Quantifying Surface Silanol Densities using Atomic Layer Deposition and High-Sensitivity Low-Energy Ion Scattering
Malwina MomotkoP-012Novel types of stationary phases for gas chromatography based on deep eutectic solvents (DESs)
Josh PinderP-013Deposition of Thin-Films in Capillary Columns using Near-Atmospheric-Pressure Atomic Layer Deposition
Mark WoodruffP-014New porous monodisperse particles for increasing resolution in Liquid Chromatography
Mark WoodruffP-015New Porous Monodisperse HPLC particles
Květa KalíkováP-016Separation of peptides and protein digests in mixed-mode chromatography
Eva CifkovaP-018Analysis of Endocannabinoids and Polar Metabolites in Human Placenta using LC/MS
Maria KhalikovaP-019Sample Preparation for the Metabolomic Analysis in Neurological Disorders
Oleksandr KozlovP-020Chiral SFC/MS Method for the Direct Separation of Mono- and Diacylglycerol Isomers: Application to the Analysis of Hydrolysis Products of Triacylglycerols by Lipases
Lisa MiroslavP-021UHPSFC/MS Lipidomic Analysis: Inter- and Intra-Class Separation of Lipids
Katalin NagyP-022Plant Based Products Intended for Authentication vs. Limited Set of Known Discriminating Metabolites: Hungarian Liquors in the Crosshair of Untargeted Metabolomics
Kristian SerafimovP-023Targeted metabolic profiling workflow for urine, plasma and cell extracts by hydrophilic interaction liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry
Min SuP-024Targeted Analysis of Sugar Mono-Phosphates by Liquid Chromatography Coupled with Tandem Mass Spectrometry
Takeshi BambaP-025UC/HILIC, a novel strategy to improve the metabolomics coverage of current unified chromatography
Saida BelarbiP-026Development and optimization of Supercritical Fluid Extraction-Supercritical Fluid Chromatography coupled to mass spectrometry method (SFE-SFC-MS): application to cosmetics
Martin MeyerP-027A comparison of the effects of metal-free columns and bio-inert UHPLC systems on nucleotide analysis
Jana NádvorníkováP-028Pea Seed Metabolite Profiling Using Combined GC/MS and PyGC-MS Analysis
Abdulkarim AlbishriP-029Determination of pKa of Analytes and pH of Buffers in Methanol-Water Mobile Phases by the Internal Standard – Capillary Electrophoresis Method.
Narmin HamidliP-030Analysis of intact proteins with capillary zone electrophoresis coupled to mass spectrometry using uncoated and coated capillaries
Dmytro KosolapovP-031Development of Capillary Electrophoresis Method for the Simultaneous Separation of Boswellic Acids and Nonsteroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs
Michaela MatuškováP-032Optimization of CZE-UV Method for Simultaneous Analysis of Seven Biological Substances
Michaela MatuškováP-033Hyphenation of 2D-CE with MS/MS Detection for Determination of Serotonin in Clinical Urine Samples
Ondrej ŠtefánikP-034Development of a CZE-UV Method with Repeated Sample Injection in Hydrodynamically Closed System for Determination of Ibuprofen
Abdulkarim AlbishriP-035Dynamic Microfluidic Device for Rapid Determination of Octanol/Water Partition
Elisabet FuguetP-036Effect of viscosity on the determination of the retention factor in electrokinetic chromatography
Laura García CansinoP-037Modeling the Enantiomeric Separation of a Mixture of Drugs by Cyclodextrin Electrokinetic Chromatography
Thomas SchüßelerP-038Highly efficient Analysis of 18 PAHs with Shim-C18-PAH
Helene BoiteuxP-040Improvements in the Chromatographic Analysis of Antiviral Compounds Utilizing a New Hybrid Organic-Inorganic Surface Technology
Jean-François CotteP-041Characterization of vaccine antigen/adjuvant interactions by Capillary Zone Electrophoresis: Application to polio virus/aluminum oxyhydroxyde
Daniel EßerP-042Analytical Study of the Separation Behaviour of Oligonucleotides on IP-RPLC
Dennis KöhlerP-043High-throughput analysis of oligonucleotides using a single quadrupole mass spectrometer for quality control
Oscar Mercado-ValenzoP-044Characterisation of Polyethylene Fibres as a Reference Hydrophobic Material for Chromatographic Purification of Peptides
Chris Tuczemskyi on behalf of Sabrina PatzeltP-045Simultaneous reversed-phase and anion-exchange method scouting for mRNA impurity determination
Heike WächtlerP-046Analysis of Lipid Nanoparticle Composition
Evelin Tóth-FarsangP-048Cation-Exchange Chromatography for the Separation of Monoclonal Antibodies
Olivia FrenzelP-049Identification of transformation products and metabolites of selected Bisphenols
Tímea KörmöcziP-050Challenges in designer drug analysis, through the 4F-MDMB-BICA synthetic cannabinoid
Nándor LambertP-051Determination of endocannabinoids from human serum with LC-MS/MS method
Ferenc TömösiP-052Targeted Metabolomics of Tryptophan and its Metabolites in Neurological Diseases
Lu TurkovićP-053Development and Clinical Application of a Novel DLLME-HPLC-DAD-FLD Method for the Determination of CDK4/6 Inhibitors in Patient Plasma Samples
Szabolcs FeketeP-054Column Hardware Modified with a Hydrophilic Hybrid Surface for Aqueous Biomolecule Separations
Anna ŚliwińskaP-055MLC Technique and QRARS/QSARS Models to Predict Different Properties of Potential Pesticides
Sylvain DemanzeP-056Automating chromatographic data batch-processing in Drug Discovery with MGears
Sylvia GrosseP-058Automated UHPLC method development for mebendazole and related impurities, from method scouting to robustness testing
Stephanie HardenP-059Applying Quality by Design Principles to the Migration of a Compendial Method between Multiple HPLC Systems
Stef MolenaarP-060MOREPEAKS, optimization software for multidimensional liquid chromatography
Max ReuschenbachP-061Development of a Data Quality Score to characterize the reliability of features generated by processing of data from non-target analysis with HPLC-HRMS
Jean-Marc RousselP-062From Robustness to Uncertainty of Measurement in Chromatographic Assay Methods Development with a Single Software
Nicola TongeP-063The Best of Both Worlds – Tailored Analysis of Affinity Selection MS Data with a Generic Automation Engine
Nicola TongeP-064Automated LC-MS Data Analysis to Determine Physicochemical Properties of Lead Compounds in Early Drug Discovery
Yoshiyuki WatabeP-065Intelligent peak and spectrum deconvolution using photodiode array detector
Ivett BacskayP-066Investigation of the Retention Mechanisms of Chlorinated Cellulose-based Chiral HPLC Stationary Phases
Ida FejősP-067Cyclodextrin Complexation Study of the Unstable Acetoxychavicol-acetate, a Promising Component of Galangal (Alpinia galanga)
Jana HercikováP-068Chromatographic Self-Recognition of Chiral Zwitterion Ion Exchange Stationary Phases
Simon HorváthP-069Examination of Chemoselectivity Gained from a Chiral HPLC Method Screening Sequence in Polar Organic Solvent Mode
Katerina IoannouP-070Evaluation of Cyclodextrin- and Cyclofructan- based Chiral Selectors for the Enantioseparation of Psychoactive Substances in Capillary Electrophoresis
Gábor NémetiP-072High-Performance Liquid Chromatographic Separations in Polar Organic and Normal Phase Mode Utilizing Polysaccharide-based Chiral Stationary Phases
Sandra Salido-FortunaP-073Chiral Analysis of Indacaterol in Enantiomerically Pure Pharmaceutical Formulations by Cyclodextrin Electrokinetic Chromatography
Sandra Salido-FortunaP-074Enantiomeric Separation of Licarbazepine by Electrokinetic Chromatography with Carboxyethylated derivatized Cyclodextrins. Study of the Enantiomer-Selector Interactions by NMR
Dániel TanácsP-075Liquid Chromatographic Enantioseparation of Fluorinated ß-Phenylalanine Analogs Utilizing Superficially Porous Particles
Toms UpmanisP-076Enantioseparation of 4-Phenyl-substituted Pyrrolidin-2-one Derivatives on Immobilized Cellulose-based Phase Derivatized with 3,5-Dichlorophenylcarbamate under Multimodal Elution
Toms UpmanisP-077Chiral Recognition Mechanism Studies of Tyr-Arg-Phe-Lys-NH2 Tetrapeptide on Crown Ether Based Chiral Stationary Phases
Sam LiP-078Speciation and Validation of Metal Compounds in Environmental Water Samples
Vlad-Alexandru PănescuP-079Historical Assessment of Atmospheric POP Depositions in Muntinu Glacial Lake, Southern Romanian Carpathians, Based on Radionuclide-Dated Sediments
Vlad-Alexandru PănescuP-080Evaluation of the History of POPs Pollution in Știucilor Lake, Cluj County, Romania, based on radionuclide-dated sediments and GC analyses
Mereke AlimzhanovaP-081The analysis of semi-volatile additives in wines by Vacuum-assisted Headspace Solid-Phase Microextraction method
Márton BaglyasP-083Effect-directed Isolation of Bioactive Compounds from Giant Goldenrod (Solidago gigantea Ait.) Leaf
Risako BetsunoP-084Evaluation of the stability of NMN in yeast culture fluid and its effect on human skin model
Marios ChristodoulouP-086Evaluation of Soxhlet, SPE and UAE Extraction Procedures for the Quantification of Seven Major Cannabinoids in Eight Cannabis Infused Edibles by LC-MS
Virginia ComanP-088Prevalence of Some Organic Contaminants in Vegetables and Drinking Water Samples Consumed by Rural Roma Communities in Transylvania
Orsolya CsernákP-089Quantitative Analysis of Human Milk Oligosaccharides in Breast Milk, Infant Formula and Food Supplements by HPLC-MS/MS
Agustina de la CalP-090Identification of 3,5-dimethylpyrazole aquifer contamination as the origin of odor events in a drinking water supply system
Csenge Felegyi-TóthP-091Mid- and Long-Term Stability Study of Cyclic Diarylheptanoids from Carpinus Betulus
Attila GáspárP-092Determination of Phenolic Compounds using Capillary Zone Electrophoresis coupled to Mass Spectrometry
Georgia IoannouP-093Simultaneous Determination of Compounds with Laxative Action in Aloe Vera Plants Under Different Conditions and in Aloe Vera Based Products by a Simple HPLC-DAD Method
Eva KorenčičP-094Antioxidant activity of yellow mealworm (Tenebrio molitor larvae) and effect directed isolation of the antioxidative fraction
Vadim KraftP-095The Determination of Cannabinoids Content within Gummy Based Confectionary
Vadim KraftP-096Analysis of Organic Acids in Beer by Ion-Exclusion Chromatography and Post-Column pH-Buffering Conductivity Detection
Dávid LaczkóP-097Scalable Separation of Ecdysteroids using Centrifugal Partition Chromatography (CPC)
Sara Lara-TorresP-098Evaluating the content of Heavy Metals in Aloe Vera Gel Samples through microwave-assisted digestion followed by graphite furnace atomic absorption spectroscopy
Madalina MedeleanuP-099Optimization of the Method of Forming Nano-Emulsions and Their Characterization
Mélanie MignotP-100SPME-GC/MS for pesticides analysis: Palm wine case of study
Alexandra ZatirakhaP-101HPLC determination of biogenic amines in beer by AQC derivatization
Yu NakajimaP-102Improvement of NMN stability and inhibitory effects of polyphenol components on NMN degradation
Hanna NikolaichukP-103Screening of Akebia quinata D. bioactivity via effect directed analysis based on HPTLC hyphenated HRMS
Hanna NikolaichukP-104Effect directed analysis of Clitoria ternatea L. flower based on HPTLC-MS
Ioana Oprea (Trandafir)P-105Green Synthesis of Colloidal Gold Nanoparticles using Citrus Essential Oils - Morphology, Physico-Chemical Characterization and Microbiological Properties.
Zoltán PálinkásP-106LC-Q-TOF: An Excellent Choice for Confirmatory Analysis of Doping Substances in Dietary Supplements
Igor SantanaP-108Bioactive compounds from Citrus peel waste evaluated by Supercritical Fluid Chromatography: Study of stationary and mobile phase composition
Montse Saura CayuelaP-109Evaluation of the Volatile Profile of Passion Fruit Juices using Headspace Solid-Phase Microextraction and Gas Chromatography - Mass Spectrometry
Claudia StevaninP-110Grain Sorghum Crops: Use of Green Manure as Biofumigant and to Increase Soil Fertility
Judit TormásiP-111Grape seed powder inhibits lipid digestibility in various foods. An in vitro study.
Rainer TurekP-112Characterisation of Delta-8 THC Distillates using HPLC with PDA and Mass Spectrometry Detection
Takuya YamaneP-114Analysis of amino acid contents in aronia juice
Francisco Javier Yuste CórdobaP-115Direct Analysis of Valuable By-products in Cork Wastewater
Jure ZekičP-116Investigation of phenolic compounds in hemp
Tamar KirvalidzeP-117Analysis of Flavonoids in Georgian Wine Waste Products by HPLC/DAD
Grzegorz BoczkajP-119Towards usefulness of Gas Chromatography (GC) for research on Advanced Chemical Treatment Processes
Petra ChaľováP-120Optimization of a Novel Analytical Method for Total Phenanthrene Quantification
Petra ChaľováP-121Development of a GC-FID Method for Determination of Short Chain Fatty Acids in Human Plasma
Judit MátyásiP-122Response of Flame Ionization Detector for Organic Compounds Containing Heteroatoms
Michele MoranaP-123Smart Micro Gas Chromatograph for Online Detection and Analysis of Malodorous Substances
David BellP-124Faster GC-MS Analysis of the Priority PAH Pollutants with a Short Narrow-Bore Column and Method Translation
Barbara GiocastroP-125Development of an in-situ measurement system for the simultaneous characterization of VOCs and SVOCs in ambient aerosols
Lídia RedónP-126Selection of Hold-up Volume Determination Methods and Markers in Hydrophilic Interaction Liquid Chromatography
Lídia RedónP-127Study of the Fundamental Band Broadening Properties of HILIC Using the Peak Parking Method
Marti RosesP-128Water Absorption in Hydrophilic Interaction Liquid Chromatography Columns. Influence of Mobile and Stationary Phases.
Xavier SubiratsP-129Acetonitrile/Aqueous Buffered Mobile Phases in Hydrophilic Interaction Liquid Chromatography: Not a Piece of Cake
Alla ChernobrovkinaP-130Manipulating the Performance of Novel Zwitter-Ionic Stationary Phases for HILIC
Natalia ChikurovaP-131Novel Adsorbents for HILIC Obtained via the Ugi Multicomponent Reaction Varying Isocyanide and Carbonyl Compound
Makoto TakafujiP-132Zwitterionic Polymer-Grafted Porous Silica Particles for HILIC Mode Stationary Phase
Vadim KraftP-133Ion Chromatography Analysis of Degradation Products in Lithium-Ion Battery Electrolytes
Diána LukácsP-134Retention Depending on Ionic and Molecular Properties in Ion Exchange Chromatography
Simon HeckscherP-13513C11-Tryptophan Tracing Analysis in Hodgkin Lymphoma Cell Lines
Anja GrüningP-137Determination of Various PFAS in Drinking Water Using On-line SPE Coupled to LC-MS/MS
Natalie KolderováP-138Enantioseparation of Deschloroketamine and its Metabolites by Supercritical Fluid Chromatography Hyphenated to Mass Spectrometry
Petra KrejčíP-139Potential of ASAP-MS Technique and its Application for Metabolite Profiling in Plant Microsamples
Robert MarksP-140How to Couple LC-IRMS with HRMS – A Proof-of-Concept Study
Alexandre Mourão RodriguesP-141Method Validation for the Analysis of Pesticides in Water Samples using Solid Phase Extraction and Liquid Chromatography coupled to Mass Spectrometry Tandem (SPE-LC-MS/MS) - Matrix effect assessing and monitoring results in water sources
Mariami MurtazashviliP-142Analysis of Naphthoyl Indole Derivative Synthetic Cannabinoid MAM-2201 in blood by Liquid Chromatography Tandem Mass Spectrometry
Domonkos PálP-143Glycomic Characterization of Liver Tissues with Cirrhosis and Hepatocarcinoma
Katerina PlachkaP-144The Effect of Make-Up Solvent Composition on Response in Supercritical Fluid Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry Using Single and Triple Quadrupole
Rafael ReisP-145Ultra-High Performance Liquid Chromatography in combination with High Resolution Mass Spectrometry for the analysis of Electrochemical Degradation Products of 17-alpha-ethinylestradiol (EE2) and Biological Assessment of their Estrogenic Activity
Vera SchwantesP-146Investigation of mitochondrial cardiolipins by reversed phase liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry
Michael SollP-147De-Formulation of various (Bio)-Plastic Bags using Evolved Gas Analysis and Pyrolysis-GC/MS
Michael SollP-148Development of mass spectrometry search algorithm for mixed microplastics by Py-GC/MS
Ondrej ŠtefánikP-149High Throughput CZE-MS Method for Determination of Triptorelin in Pharmaceutical and Biological Matrices
Péter Soma SzakályP-150Separation and Identification of Four Regioisomers of a Sugammadex-related Impurity
Alexandra ZatirakhaP-152Ion Chromatography Mass Spectrometry Methods for Cationic Polar Pesticides Analysis
Sylvia GrosseP-153The Dual LC Concept for Productivity Increase in Various Applications and Industries
Jana VanovaP-154Large Volume Electrophoretic Preconcentration as an Efficient Tool for Improvement of Two-Dimensional Liquid-Phase Separations
Stefan BöhmdorferP-155Assessing the Orthogonality of Stationary Phases for Comprehensive GCxGC Measurements of Essential Oils
Petr ChocholoušP-1562D chromatography based on Flow Programming
Mimi den UijlP-157Combining Photodegradation in a Liquid-Core-Waveguide Cell with Two-Dimensional Liquid Chromatography
Karine FaureP-158Off-line LC x SFC - HRMS development for the Characterization of the Wastewater from Algae Hydrothermal Liquefaction
Celestine GemuhP-159Functionalization of Commercial Hydrophilic-lipophilic Balanced Copolymer for Automatic Magnetic Dispersive Micro-solid Phase Extraction of Surface Water Contaminants.
Róbert GóraP-160Characterization of Humic Acids Isolated from Soil by Off-line Combination of Preparative Isotachophoresis and Size-Exclusion Chromatography
Tomáš HájekP-161Three-loop modulator for comprehensive two-dimensional liquid chromatography
Miroslav JancoP-162Expanding Detection Capabilities in SEC and APC: On-line SEC-ICP/MS and APC-ICP/MS Hyphenation
Romain KleinP-163Characterization of automobile material emissions by TD-GCxGC-TOFMS and correlation with odor hedonic perception in humans
Dániel KrüzselyiP-164Unconventional practice of SPE extraction - the simultaneous application of normal and reversed phases
Feiyang LiP-165Hyphenated Two-Dimensional Liquid Chromatography and Mass Spectrometry for Synthetic Oligonucleotides
Anna LipphardtP-166Hyphenated Techniques for Comprehensive Analysis of Glycolipidic Biosurfactants Based on Supercritical Fluid Chromatography
Bashir MubasherP-167Characterization of (co-)Polymer Mixtures by Employing Multiple Heart-Cutting Two-Dimensional Liquid Chromatography with Multi-detector Size Exclusion Chromatography
Dennis Koehler on behalf of Sabrina PatzeltP-168Ensuring precise isolation of macromolecules by hyphenating UHPLC separation power with exact fractionation for analytical and semi-preparative LC purification
Michael PollardP-169Functionalized poly(ethylene glycol)s (PEGs) as a reference material for detection of polymeric end groups via SEC hyphenated with FTIR and 1-H-NMR (80 MHz)
Frank SteinerP-171A 1D/2D-UHPLC-MS System and its use in the Field of Drug Metabolism and Pharmacokinetics
Eliise TammekiviP-172Non-Targeted Analysis of Depolymerized Lignin with Online 2D LCxLC-QTOF-MS Technique
Ann QinP-173Determination of 13C-palmitate using thin-layer chromatography coupled with GC-MS to determine de novo lipogenesis of firsocostat
Patrik AppelbladP-174Quantitative Analysis of Nitrosamine Impurities using LC-MS Methods from the United States Pharmacopeia General Chapter <1469>
Edit BataiP-175Long-term harmonized USP and EP stability studies of SBECD (DexolveTM) and CD-Screen-IEC HPLC column
Desiree BozzaP-176Greening reversed-phase liquid preparative chromatography using alternative solvents to acetonitrile for the purification of a therapeutic peptide
Evelien DejaegereP-177Method for the Analysis and Quantitation of Pharmaceutical Counterions Utilizing Hydrophilic Interaction Liquid Chromatography
Elisabet FuguetP-178Performance of Different Models to Estimate Skin Permeability
Bence HalmiP-180Investigation of Potential Mutagenic N-Nitrosamines in Active Substances by LC-MS/MS
Matt JamesP-181Using Novel Stationary Phase Selectivity to Address Potential NDMA Over-Quantification due to Isobaric Interference in the LC-MS/MS Analysis of Nitrosamines
Andrea KalauzP-182Simultaneous determination of small molecular weight nitrosamines by fast gas chromatography mass spectrometry (fast GC-MS)
Róbert KormányP-183Development of a Fast and Robust UHPLC Method for Apixaban In-Process Control Analysis
Lucia MitašíkP-184Comparative 90-day study of Toxicokinetic profile of Fixed Combination of antihypertensive drugs in Rats
Cynthia NagyP-185Study of the Degradation of Human Insulin
Boglárka PállP-186Development of an Analytical Method for the Determination of N-bromosuccinimide in Two Different Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients by High-performance Ion Chromatography with Suppressed Conductivity Detection
Tereza PlojharováP-187The Bioequivalence Study in Dogs
Anna ŚliwińskaP-188Predicting Pharmacokinetic Properties of Potential Anticancer Agents via Their Chromatographic Behavior on Different Reversed Phase Materials
Gabriella SzabovikP-189Direct determination of chloride ion by HPLC-DAD? Yes, it works.Direct determination of chloride ion by HPLC-DAD? Yes, it works.
Yoshiyuki WatabeP-190Co-polymer characterization by combination use of HPLC and Raman microscopy
Ali AminiP-191Optimization of the 3D-printing fabrication processes for prototyping microfluidic devices for spatial multi-dimensional liquid chromatography
Tobias WerresP-192Towards a 3D Printed Highly Customizable Lab-on-Chip-Platform
Anbuthangam AshokanP-193Preparation of Nickel ion substituted hydroxyapatite (NiSHAp) matrix for L-asparaginase purification
Árpád KönczölP-194Applicability Of Centrifugal Partition Chromatography In Downstream Bioprocessing
Gergő DargóP-195Various Applications of Centrifugal Partition Chromatography as a Means of Liquid-Liquid Chromatography for Purification of Small Molecule Compounds and Proteins
Vivek RajendranP-196High throughput continuous refolding of L-asparaginase Inclusion bodies
Irina SpulingP-197Simultaneous Online LC Reaction Monitoring of Small Molecules and Trace Impurities using UV Detection
Veronika PilařováP-198Systematic Study of Long-Term Retention Time Stability in SFC
Csanád RédeiP-199Exploring the Difficulties of Mass Flow Measurements in Supercritical Fluid Chromatography
Dirk Van den HeuvelP-200Evaluation of Supercritical Fluid Chromatography and Ultra-high Performance Liquid Chromatography for Polar Analytes Analysis.
Yahia KazmouzP-201Competitive adsorption of the mobile phase components in supercritical fluid chromatography
Alessandro BurattiP-202Supercritical Fluid Chromatography as a Green Alternative to Normal Phase Liquid Chromatography for the Separations of Phyto Cannabinoids
James EdwardsP-203Evaluation of a Novel Hybrid Silica Solid Phase Extraction plate by HPLC-MS
Aneta KholováP-204Simultaneous determination of three mycotoxins – ochratoxin A, zearalenone, and citrinin in plant-based liquids and comparison three various sorbents using on-line SPE-HPLC with fluorescence detection
Diego Walter Allgaier DíazP-205Biopolymers as sustainable microextraction materials for the environmental monitoring of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and personal care products
Marcia Isabel Cadena AizagaP-206Occurrence and bioconcentration of organic UV filters in primary marine consumers from Gran Canaria (Spain)
Marcia Isabel Cadena AizagaP-207Occurrence and environmental hazard of organic UV filters in seawater and wastewater from Gran Canaria (Spain)
Mirco CesconP-208Preconcentration of OTCs (OrganoTin Compounds) in water matrices, speciation investigation by HPLC-ICP-MS
Evelien DejaegereP-209Automated Sample Preparation for Bioanalytical SPE Method Development & Optimization using Andrew+ Pipetting Robot
Tamás DitróiP-210Critical re-investigations of the detection of per- and polysulfide species in cells for metabolomic measurements
Joel Domínguez-PérezP-211Microwave-Assisted Extraction and Ultra-High-Performance Liquid Chromatography tandem Mass Spectrometry (MAE-UHPLC-MS/MS) Methodology for the Determination of Steroid Hormones in Solid Samples from Natural Purification Systems.
Kata Dorina FügediP-212Cotton-HILIC and graphite based solid phase extraction purification methods for chondoritin sulfate disaccharides
Laura García CansinoP-213A Sustainable and Innovative Analytical Approach Based on µSPEed/UHPLC-PDA for the Determination of Pesticides in Food and Environmental Samples
Rayco Guedes-AlonsoP-214Evaluation of Molecularly Imprinted Solid Phase Extraction Cartridges based on Estrogens to Analyze the Presence of Different Steroid Hormones in Wastewaters
Javier PachecoP-215Monitoring of organic ultraviolet filters and stabilizers adsorb in microplastics from beaches of the Macaronesia.
Boglárka PállP-216The Role of Sample Preparation Techniques in Liquid Chromatography Analysis of Pollutants of Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients
Eka PusfitasariP-217Aerial drone furnished with miniaturized versatile air sampling systems for selective collection of nitrogen containing compounds from air samples
Tomáš RozsypalP-218Disposable rubber gloves as evidence samples after chemical attack with nerve agents
Lorin SteinhaeuserP-219Comparison of Different Chromatography and Mass Spectrometry Methods for the Analysis of Selected Estrogens at Ultra-Trace Level
Lucie TintropP-220Simultaneous Determination of Fatty Acids and Fatty Acid Methyl Esters by HS-SPME arrow GC-MS/MS
Rainer TurekP-221LC-MS Bioanalytical Quantification of a GalNAc-siRNA Conjugate Oligonucleotide Using Semi-Automated Solid Phase Extraction
Erzsébet VargaP-222Software-supported HPLC Method Development to Baseline Separate Four Regioisomers of a Sugammadex-related Impurity
Fabrice GrittiP-223Gradient Recycling Chromatography for the Preparation of Pure Target Compounds Present in Highly Complex Mixtures
Fabrice GrittiP-224Explaining Retention and Column Efficiency from Scratch: Bed Reconstruction and Molecular Dynamics Toolbox
Simon HeckscherP-13513C11-Tryptophan Tracing Analysis in Hodgkin Lymphoma Cell Lines
Petr ChocholoušP-1562D chromatography based on Flow Programming
Frank SteinerP-171A 1D/2D-UHPLC-MS System and its use in the Field of Drug Metabolism and Pharmacokinetics
Martin MeyerP-027A comparison of the effects of metal-free columns and bio-inert UHPLC systems on nucleotide analysis
Laura García CansinoP-213A Sustainable and Innovative Analytical Approach Based on µSPEed/UHPLC-PDA for the Determination of Pesticides in Food and Environmental Samples
George MajorP-011A Tag-and-Count Approach for Quantifying Surface Silanol Densities using Atomic Layer Deposition and High-Sensitivity Low-Energy Ion Scattering
Xavier SubiratsP-129Acetonitrile/Aqueous Buffered Mobile Phases in Hydrophilic Interaction Liquid Chromatography: Not a Piece of Cake
Eka PusfitasariP-217Aerial drone furnished with miniaturized versatile air sampling systems for selective collection of nitrogen containing compounds from air samples
Takuya YamaneP-114Analysis of amino acid contents in aronia juice
Eva CifkovaP-018Analysis of Endocannabinoids and Polar Metabolites in Human Placenta using LC/MS
Tamar KirvalidzeP-117Analysis of Flavonoids in Georgian Wine Waste Products by HPLC/DAD
Narmin HamidliP-030Analysis of intact proteins with capillary zone electrophoresis coupled to mass spectrometry using uncoated and coated capillaries
Heike WächtlerP-046Analysis of Lipid Nanoparticle Composition
Mariami MurtazashviliP-142Analysis of Naphthoyl Indole Derivative Synthetic Cannabinoid MAM-2201 in blood by Liquid Chromatography Tandem Mass Spectrometry
Vadim KraftP-096Analysis of Organic Acids in Beer by Ion-Exclusion Chromatography and Post-Column pH-Buffering Conductivity Detection
Daniel EßerP-042Analytical Study of the Separation Behaviour of Oligonucleotides on IP-RPLC
Eva KorenčičP-094Antioxidant activity of yellow mealworm (Tenebrio molitor larvae) and effect directed isolation of the antioxidative fraction
Árpád KönczölP-194Applicability Of Centrifugal Partition Chromatography In Downstream Bioprocessing
Stephanie HardenP-059Applying Quality by Design Principles to the Migration of a Compendial Method between Multiple HPLC Systems
Stefan BöhmdorferP-155Assessing the Orthogonality of Stationary Phases for Comprehensive GCxGC Measurements of Essential Oils
Nicola TongeP-064Automated LC-MS Data Analysis to Determine Physicochemical Properties of Lead Compounds in Early Drug Discovery
Evelien DejaegereP-209Automated Sample Preparation for Bioanalytical SPE Method Development & Optimization using Andrew+ Pipetting Robot
Sylvia GrosseP-058Automated UHPLC method development for mebendazole and related impurities, from method scouting to robustness testing
Sylvain DemanzeP-056Automating chromatographic data batch-processing in Drug Discovery with MGears
Igor SantanaP-108Bioactive compounds from Citrus peel waste evaluated by Supercritical Fluid Chromatography: Study of stationary and mobile phase composition
Diego Walter Allgaier DíazP-205Biopolymers as sustainable microextraction materials for the environmental monitoring of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and personal care products
Evelin Tóth-FarsangP-048Cation-Exchange Chromatography for the Separation of Monoclonal Antibodies
Tímea KörmöcziP-050Challenges in designer drug analysis, through the 4F-MDMB-BICA synthetic cannabinoid
Rainer TurekP-112Characterisation of Delta-8 THC Distillates using HPLC with PDA and Mass Spectrometry Detection
Oscar Mercado-ValenzoP-044Characterisation of Polyethylene Fibres as a Reference Hydrophobic Material for Chromatographic Purification of Peptides
Bashir MubasherP-167Characterization of (co-)Polymer Mixtures by Employing Multiple Heart-Cutting Two-Dimensional Liquid Chromatography with Multi-detector Size Exclusion Chromatography
Romain KleinP-163Characterization of automobile material emissions by TD-GCxGC-TOFMS and correlation with odor hedonic perception in humans
Róbert GóraP-160Characterization of Humic Acids Isolated from Soil by Off-line Combination of Preparative Isotachophoresis and Size-Exclusion Chromatography
Jean-François CotteP-041Characterization of vaccine antigen/adjuvant interactions by Capillary Zone Electrophoresis: Application to polio virus/aluminum oxyhydroxyde
Sandra Salido-FortunaP-073Chiral Analysis of Indacaterol in Enantiomerically Pure Pharmaceutical Formulations by Cyclodextrin Electrokinetic Chromatography
Toms UpmanisP-077Chiral Recognition Mechanism Studies of Tyr-Arg-Phe-Lys-NH2 Tetrapeptide on Crown Ether Based Chiral Stationary Phases
Oleksandr KozlovP-020Chiral SFC/MS Method for the Direct Separation of Mono- and Diacylglycerol Isomers: Application to the Analysis of Hydrolysis Products of Triacylglycerols by Lipases
Jana HercikováP-068Chromatographic Self-Recognition of Chiral Zwitterion Ion Exchange Stationary Phases
Torgny FornstedtP-001Chromatographic Surprises: Are the Injected Molecules Always in the Peak?
Szabolcs FeketeP-054Column Hardware Modified with a Hydrophilic Hybrid Surface for Aqueous Biomolecule Separations
Krisztián HorváthP-006Combination of Stochastic Theory and Mass Balance Models of High Performance Liquid Chromatography
Mimi den UijlP-157Combining Photodegradation in a Liquid-Core-Waveguide Cell with Two-Dimensional Liquid Chromatography
Lucia MitašíkP-184Comparative 90-day study of Toxicokinetic profile of Fixed Combination of antihypertensive drugs in Rats
Lorin SteinhaeuserP-219Comparison of Different Chromatography and Mass Spectrometry Methods for the Analysis of Selected Estrogens at Ultra-Trace Level
Amanda DlugaschP-004Comparison of Mixer Performance for Challenging Long Shallow Gradients
Yahia KazmouzP-201Competitive adsorption of the mobile phase components in supercritical fluid chromatography
Yoshiyuki WatabeP-190Co-polymer characterization by combination use of HPLC and Raman microscopy
Kata Dorina FügediP-212Cotton-HILIC and graphite based solid phase extraction purification methods for chondoritin sulfate disaccharides
Tamás DitróiP-210Critical re-investigations of the detection of per- and polysulfide species in cells for metabolomic measurements
Ida FejősP-067Cyclodextrin Complexation Study of the Unstable Acetoxychavicol-acetate, a Promising Component of Galangal (Alpinia galanga)
Michael SollP-147De-Formulation of various (Bio)-Plastic Bags using Evolved Gas Analysis and Pyrolysis-GC/MS
Josh PinderP-013Deposition of Thin-Films in Capillary Columns using Near-Atmospheric-Pressure Atomic Layer Deposition
Ann QinP-173Determination of 13C-palmitate using thin-layer chromatography coupled with GC-MS to determine de novo lipogenesis of firsocostat
Nándor LambertP-051Determination of endocannabinoids from human serum with LC-MS/MS method
Attila GáspárP-092Determination of Phenolic Compounds using Capillary Zone Electrophoresis coupled to Mass Spectrometry
Abdulkarim AlbishriP-029Determination of pKa of Analytes and pH of Buffers in Methanol-Water Mobile Phases by the Internal Standard – Capillary Electrophoresis Method.
Anja GrüningP-137Determination of Various PFAS in Drinking Water Using On-line SPE Coupled to LC-MS/MS
Lu TurkovićP-053Development and Clinical Application of a Novel DLLME-HPLC-DAD-FLD Method for the Determination of CDK4/6 Inhibitors in Patient Plasma Samples
Saida BelarbiP-026Development and optimization of Supercritical Fluid Extraction-Supercritical Fluid Chromatography coupled to mass spectrometry method (SFE-SFC-MS): application to cosmetics
Ondrej ŠtefánikP-034Development of a CZE-UV Method with Repeated Sample Injection in Hydrodynamically Closed System for Determination of Ibuprofen
Max ReuschenbachP-061Development of a Data Quality Score to characterize the reliability of features generated by processing of data from non-target analysis with HPLC-HRMS
Róbert KormányP-183Development of a Fast and Robust UHPLC Method for Apixaban In-Process Control Analysis
Petra ChaľováP-121Development of a GC-FID Method for Determination of Short Chain Fatty Acids in Human Plasma
Boglárka PállP-186Development of an Analytical Method for the Determination of N-bromosuccinimide in Two Different Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients by High-performance Ion Chromatography with Suppressed Conductivity Detection
Barbara GiocastroP-125Development of an in-situ measurement system for the simultaneous characterization of VOCs and SVOCs in ambient aerosols
Dmytro KosolapovP-031Development of Capillary Electrophoresis Method for the Simultaneous Separation of Boswellic Acids and Nonsteroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs
Michael SollP-148Development of mass spectrometry search algorithm for mixed microplastics by Py-GC/MS
Francisco Javier Yuste CórdobaP-115Direct Analysis of Valuable By-products in Cork Wastewater
Gabriella SzabovikP-189Direct determination of chloride ion by HPLC-DAD? Yes, it works.Direct determination of chloride ion by HPLC-DAD? Yes, it works.
Tomáš RozsypalP-218Disposable rubber gloves as evidence samples after chemical attack with nerve agents
Abdulkarim AlbishriP-035Dynamic Microfluidic Device for Rapid Determination of Octanol/Water Partition
Hanna NikolaichukP-104Effect directed analysis of Clitoria ternatea L. flower based on HPTLC-MS
Dóra ZelenyánszkiP-003Effect of Column Design on the Heterogeneity of Stationary Phases in Fast Liquid Chromatography
Elisabet FuguetP-036Effect of viscosity on the determination of the retention factor in electrokinetic chromatography
Márton BaglyasP-083Effect-directed Isolation of Bioactive Compounds from Giant Goldenrod (Solidago gigantea Ait.) Leaf
Sandra Salido-FortunaP-074Enantiomeric Separation of Licarbazepine by Electrokinetic Chromatography with Carboxyethylated derivatized Cyclodextrins. Study of the Enantiomer-Selector Interactions by NMR
Toms UpmanisP-076Enantioseparation of 4-Phenyl-substituted Pyrrolidin-2-one Derivatives on Immobilized Cellulose-based Phase Derivatized with 3,5-Dichlorophenylcarbamate under Multimodal Elution
Natalie KolderováP-138Enantioseparation of Deschloroketamine and its Metabolites by Supercritical Fluid Chromatography Hyphenated to Mass Spectrometry
Dennis Koehler on behalf of Sabrina PatzeltP-168Ensuring precise isolation of macromolecules by hyphenating UHPLC separation power with exact fractionation for analytical and semi-preparative LC purification
Sara Lara-TorresP-098Evaluating the content of Heavy Metals in Aloe Vera Gel Samples through microwave-assisted digestion followed by graphite furnace atomic absorption spectroscopy
James EdwardsP-203Evaluation of a Novel Hybrid Silica Solid Phase Extraction plate by HPLC-MS
Katerina IoannouP-070Evaluation of Cyclodextrin- and Cyclofructan- based Chiral Selectors for the Enantioseparation of Psychoactive Substances in Capillary Electrophoresis
Rayco Guedes-AlonsoP-214Evaluation of Molecularly Imprinted Solid Phase Extraction Cartridges based on Estrogens to Analyze the Presence of Different Steroid Hormones in Wastewaters
Marios ChristodoulouP-086Evaluation of Soxhlet, SPE and UAE Extraction Procedures for the Quantification of Seven Major Cannabinoids in Eight Cannabis Infused Edibles by LC-MS
Dirk Van den HeuvelP-200Evaluation of Supercritical Fluid Chromatography and Ultra-high Performance Liquid Chromatography for Polar Analytes Analysis.
Vlad-Alexandru PănescuP-080Evaluation of the History of POPs Pollution in Știucilor Lake, Cluj County, Romania, based on radionuclide-dated sediments and GC analyses
Risako BetsunoP-084Evaluation of the stability of NMN in yeast culture fluid and its effect on human skin model
Montse Saura CayuelaP-109Evaluation of the Volatile Profile of Passion Fruit Juices using Headspace Solid-Phase Microextraction and Gas Chromatography - Mass Spectrometry
Simon HorváthP-069Examination of Chemoselectivity Gained from a Chiral HPLC Method Screening Sequence in Polar Organic Solvent Mode
Miroslav JancoP-162Expanding Detection Capabilities in SEC and APC: On-line SEC-ICP/MS and APC-ICP/MS Hyphenation
Csanád RédeiP-199Exploring the Difficulties of Mass Flow Measurements in Supercritical Fluid Chromatography
David BellP-124Faster GC-MS Analysis of the Priority PAH Pollutants with a Short Narrow-Bore Column and Method Translation
Jean-Marc RousselP-062From Robustness to Uncertainty of Measurement in Chromatographic Assay Methods Development with a Single Software
Celestine GemuhP-159Functionalization of Commercial Hydrophilic-lipophilic Balanced Copolymer for Automatic Magnetic Dispersive Micro-solid Phase Extraction of Surface Water Contaminants.
Michael PollardP-169Functionalized poly(ethylene glycol)s (PEGs) as a reference material for detection of polymeric end groups via SEC hyphenated with FTIR and 1-H-NMR (80 MHz)
Domonkos PálP-143Glycomic Characterization of Liver Tissues with Cirrhosis and Hepatocarcinoma
Claudia StevaninP-110Grain Sorghum Crops: Use of Green Manure as Biofumigant and to Increase Soil Fertility
Judit TormásiP-111Grape seed powder inhibits lipid digestibility in various foods. An in vitro study.
Ioana Oprea (Trandafir)P-105Green Synthesis of Colloidal Gold Nanoparticles using Citrus Essential Oils - Morphology, Physico-Chemical Characterization and Microbiological Properties.
Desiree BozzaP-176Greening reversed-phase liquid preparative chromatography using alternative solvents to acetonitrile for the purification of a therapeutic peptide
Vivek RajendranP-196High throughput continuous refolding of L-asparaginase Inclusion bodies
Ondrej ŠtefánikP-149High Throughput CZE-MS Method for Determination of Triptorelin in Pharmaceutical and Biological Matrices
Thomas SchüßelerP-038Highly efficient Analysis of 18 PAHs with Shim-C18-PAH
Gábor NémetiP-072High-Performance Liquid Chromatographic Separations in Polar Organic and Normal Phase Mode Utilizing Polysaccharide-based Chiral Stationary Phases
Dennis KöhlerP-043High-throughput analysis of oligonucleotides using a single quadrupole mass spectrometer for quality control
Vlad-Alexandru PănescuP-079Historical Assessment of Atmospheric POP Depositions in Muntinu Glacial Lake, Southern Romanian Carpathians, Based on Radionuclide-Dated Sediments
Robert MarksP-140How to Couple LC-IRMS with HRMS – A Proof-of-Concept Study
Alexandra ZatirakhaP-101HPLC determination of biogenic amines in beer by AQC derivatization
Anna LipphardtP-166Hyphenated Techniques for Comprehensive Analysis of Glycolipidic Biosurfactants Based on Supercritical Fluid Chromatography
Feiyang LiP-165Hyphenated Two-Dimensional Liquid Chromatography and Mass Spectrometry for Synthetic Oligonucleotides
Michaela MatuškováP-033Hyphenation of 2D-CE with MS/MS Detection for Determination of Serotonin in Clinical Urine Samples
Agustina de la CalP-090Identification of 3,5-dimethylpyrazole aquifer contamination as the origin of odor events in a drinking water supply system
Olivia FrenzelP-049Identification of transformation products and metabolites of selected Bisphenols
Yu NakajimaP-102Improvement of NMN stability and inhibitory effects of polyphenol components on NMN degradation
Helene BoiteuxP-040Improvements in the Chromatographic Analysis of Antiviral Compounds Utilizing a New Hybrid Organic-Inorganic Surface Technology
Yoshiyuki WatabeP-065Intelligent peak and spectrum deconvolution using photodiode array detector
Vera SchwantesP-146Investigation of mitochondrial cardiolipins by reversed phase liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry
Jure ZekičP-116Investigation of phenolic compounds in hemp
Bence HalmiP-180Investigation of Potential Mutagenic N-Nitrosamines in Active Substances by LC-MS/MS
Gyula NyergesP-007Investigation of the Effect of Acidic Modification on Polyethylene Glycol Stationary Phase Columns
Ivett BacskayP-066Investigation of the Retention Mechanisms of Chlorinated Cellulose-based Chiral HPLC Stationary Phases
Vadim KraftP-133Ion Chromatography Analysis of Degradation Products in Lithium-Ion Battery Electrolytes
Alexandra ZatirakhaP-152Ion Chromatography Mass Spectrometry Methods for Cationic Polar Pesticides Analysis
Jana VanovaP-154Large Volume Electrophoretic Preconcentration as an Efficient Tool for Improvement of Two-Dimensional Liquid-Phase Separations
Rainer TurekP-221LC-MS Bioanalytical Quantification of a GalNAc-siRNA Conjugate Oligonucleotide Using Semi-Automated Solid Phase Extraction
Zoltán PálinkásP-106LC-Q-TOF: An Excellent Choice for Confirmatory Analysis of Doping Substances in Dietary Supplements
Dániel TanácsP-075Liquid Chromatographic Enantioseparation of Fluorinated ß-Phenylalanine Analogs Utilizing Superficially Porous Particles
Edit BataiP-175Long-term harmonized USP and EP stability studies of SBECD (DexolveTM) and CD-Screen-IEC HPLC column
Alla ChernobrovkinaP-130Manipulating the Performance of Novel Zwitter-Ionic Stationary Phases for HILIC
Evelien DejaegereP-177Method for the Analysis and Quantitation of Pharmaceutical Counterions Utilizing Hydrophilic Interaction Liquid Chromatography
Alexandre Mourão RodriguesP-141Method Validation for the Analysis of Pesticides in Water Samples using Solid Phase Extraction and Liquid Chromatography coupled to Mass Spectrometry Tandem (SPE-LC-MS/MS) - Matrix effect assessing and monitoring results in water sources
Joel Domínguez-PérezP-211Microwave-Assisted Extraction and Ultra-High-Performance Liquid Chromatography tandem Mass Spectrometry (MAE-UHPLC-MS/MS) Methodology for the Determination of Steroid Hormones in Solid Samples from Natural Purification Systems.
Csenge Felegyi-TóthP-091Mid- and Long-Term Stability Study of Cyclic Diarylheptanoids from Carpinus Betulus
Anna ŚliwińskaP-055MLC Technique and QRARS/QSARS Models to Predict Different Properties of Potential Pesticides
Laura García CansinoP-037Modeling the Enantiomeric Separation of a Mixture of Drugs by Cyclodextrin Electrokinetic Chromatography
Javier PachecoP-215Monitoring of organic ultraviolet filters and stabilizers adsorb in microplastics from beaches of the Macaronesia.
Egidijus MachtejevasP-010Monolithic Silicas in High Performance Liquid Chromatography – unique material with unique benefits
Stef MolenaarP-060MOREPEAKS, optimization software for multidimensional liquid chromatography
Hirotaka IharaP-009Nano-coating with Carbon-Like, π-Conjugated Organic Layer onto Porous Silica Surface for Ultra-selective Adsorption
Mark WoodruffP-015New Porous Monodisperse HPLC particles
Mark WoodruffP-014New porous monodisperse particles for increasing resolution in Liquid Chromatography
Eliise TammekiviP-172Non-Targeted Analysis of Depolymerized Lignin with Online 2D LCxLC-QTOF-MS Technique
Natalia ChikurovaP-131Novel Adsorbents for HILIC Obtained via the Ugi Multicomponent Reaction Varying Isocyanide and Carbonyl Compound
Malwina MomotkoP-012Novel types of stationary phases for gas chromatography based on deep eutectic solvents (DESs)
Marcia Isabel Cadena AizagaP-206Occurrence and bioconcentration of organic UV filters in primary marine consumers from Gran Canaria (Spain)
Marcia Isabel Cadena AizagaP-207Occurrence and environmental hazard of organic UV filters in seawater and wastewater from Gran Canaria (Spain)
Karine FaureP-158Off-line LC x SFC - HRMS development for the Characterization of the Wastewater from Algae Hydrothermal Liquefaction
Petra ChaľováP-120Optimization of a Novel Analytical Method for Total Phenanthrene Quantification
Michaela MatuškováP-032Optimization of CZE-UV Method for Simultaneous Analysis of Seven Biological Substances
Ali AminiP-191Optimization of the 3D-printing fabrication processes for prototyping microfluidic devices for spatial multi-dimensional liquid chromatography
Madalina MedeleanuP-099Optimization of the Method of Forming Nano-Emulsions and Their Characterization
Jana NádvorníkováP-028Pea Seed Metabolite Profiling Using Combined GC/MS and PyGC-MS Analysis
Elisabet FuguetP-178Performance of Different Models to Estimate Skin Permeability
Katalin NagyP-022Plant Based Products Intended for Authentication vs. Limited Set of Known Discriminating Metabolites: Hungarian Liquors in the Crosshair of Untargeted Metabolomics
Petra KrejčíP-139Potential of ASAP-MS Technique and its Application for Metabolite Profiling in Plant Microsamples
Mirco CesconP-208Preconcentration of OTCs (OrganoTin Compounds) in water matrices, speciation investigation by HPLC-ICP-MS
Anna ŚliwińskaP-188Predicting Pharmacokinetic Properties of Potential Anticancer Agents via Their Chromatographic Behavior on Different Reversed Phase Materials
Anbuthangam AshokanP-193Preparation of Nickel ion substituted hydroxyapatite (NiSHAp) matrix for L-asparaginase purification
Virginia ComanP-088Prevalence of Some Organic Contaminants in Vegetables and Drinking Water Samples Consumed by Rural Roma Communities in Transylvania
Orsolya CsernákP-089Quantitative Analysis of Human Milk Oligosaccharides in Breast Milk, Infant Formula and Food Supplements by HPLC-MS/MS
Patrik AppelbladP-174Quantitative Analysis of Nitrosamine Impurities using LC-MS Methods from the United States Pharmacopeia General Chapter <1469>
Judit MátyásiP-122Response of Flame Ionization Detector for Organic Compounds Containing Heteroatoms
Diána LukácsP-134Retention Depending on Ionic and Molecular Properties in Ion Exchange Chromatography
Maria KhalikovaP-019Sample Preparation for the Metabolomic Analysis in Neurological Disorders
Dávid LaczkóP-097Scalable Separation of Ecdysteroids using Centrifugal Partition Chromatography (CPC)
Hanna NikolaichukP-103Screening of Akebia quinata D. bioactivity via effect directed analysis based on HPTLC hyphenated HRMS
Lídia RedónP-126Selection of Hold-up Volume Determination Methods and Markers in Hydrophilic Interaction Liquid Chromatography
Péter Soma SzakályP-150Separation and Identification of Four Regioisomers of a Sugammadex-related Impurity
Květa KalíkováP-016Separation of peptides and protein digests in mixed-mode chromatography
Georgia IoannouP-093Simultaneous Determination of Compounds with Laxative Action in Aloe Vera Plants Under Different Conditions and in Aloe Vera Based Products by a Simple HPLC-DAD Method
Lucie TintropP-220Simultaneous Determination of Fatty Acids and Fatty Acid Methyl Esters by HS-SPME arrow GC-MS/MS
Andrea KalauzP-182Simultaneous determination of small molecular weight nitrosamines by fast gas chromatography mass spectrometry (fast GC-MS)
Aneta KholováP-204Simultaneous determination of three mycotoxins – ochratoxin A, zearalenone, and citrinin in plant-based liquids and comparison three various sorbents using on-line SPE-HPLC with fluorescence detection
Irina SpulingP-197Simultaneous Online LC Reaction Monitoring of Small Molecules and Trace Impurities using UV Detection
Chris Tuczemskyi on behalf of Sabrina PatzeltP-045Simultaneous reversed-phase and anion-exchange method scouting for mRNA impurity determination
Michele MoranaP-123Smart Micro Gas Chromatograph for Online Detection and Analysis of Malodorous Substances
Erzsébet VargaP-222Software-supported HPLC Method Development to Baseline Separate Four Regioisomers of a Sugammadex-related Impurity
Xavier SubiratsP-005Solvent Maps in Liquid Chromatography
Sam LiP-078Speciation and Validation of Metal Compounds in Environmental Water Samples
Mélanie MignotP-100SPME-GC/MS for pesticides analysis: Palm wine case of study
Cynthia NagyP-185Study of the Degradation of Human Insulin
Lídia RedónP-127Study of the Fundamental Band Broadening Properties of HILIC Using the Peak Parking Method
Buratti AlessandroP-202Supercritical Fluid Chromatography as a Green Alternative to Normal Phase Liquid Chromatography for the Separations of Phyto Cannabinoids
Veronika PilařováP-198Systematic Study of Long-Term Retention Time Stability in SFC
Min SuP-024Targeted Analysis of Sugar Mono-Phosphates by Liquid Chromatography Coupled with Tandem Mass Spectrometry
Kristian SerafimovP-023Targeted metabolic profiling workflow for urine, plasma and cell extracts by hydrophilic interaction liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry
Ferenc TömösiP-052Targeted Metabolomics of Tryptophan and its Metabolites in Neurological Diseases
Mereke AlimzhanovaP-081The analysis of semi-volatile additives in wines by Vacuum-assisted Headspace Solid-Phase Microextraction method
Nicola TongeP-063The Best of Both Worlds – Tailored Analysis of Affinity Selection MS Data with a Generic Automation Engine
Tereza PlojharováP-187The Bioequivalence Study in Dogs
Vadim KraftP-095The Determination of Cannabinoids Content within Gummy Based Confectionary
Sylvia GrosseP-153The Dual LC Concept for Productivity Increase in Various Applications and Industries
Katerina PlachkaP-144The Effect of Make-Up Solvent Composition on Response in Supercritical Fluid Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry Using Single and Triple Quadrupole
Boglárka PállP-216The Role of Sample Preparation Techniques in Liquid Chromatography Analysis of Pollutants of Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients
Tomáš HájekP-161Three-loop modulator for comprehensive two-dimensional liquid chromatography
Tobias WerresP-192Towards a 3D Printed Highly Customizable Lab-on-Chip-Platform
Grzegorz BoczkajP-119Towards usefulness of Gas Chromatography (GC) for research on Advanced Chemical Treatment Processes
Takeshi BambaP-025UC/HILIC, a novel strategy to improve the metabolomics coverage of current unified chromatography
Lisa MiroslavP-021UHPSFC/MS Lipidomic Analysis: Inter- and Intra-Class Separation of Lipids
Rafael ReisP-145Ultra-High Performance Liquid Chromatography in combination with High Resolution Mass Spectrometry for the analysis of Electrochemical Degradation Products of 17-alpha-ethinylestradiol (EE2) and Biological Assessment of their Estrogenic Activity
Dénes SzerencsésP-002Uncertainty in the determination of thermodynamic parameters in high - performance liquid chromatography
Dániel KrüzselyiP-164Unconventional practice of SPE extraction - the simultaneous application of normal and reversed phases
Matt JamesP-181Using Novel Stationary Phase Selectivity to Address Potential NDMA Over-Quantification due to Isobaric Interference in the LC-MS/MS Analysis of Nitrosamines
Gergő DargóP-195Various Applications of Centrifugal Partition Chromatography as a Means of Liquid-Liquid Chromatography for Purification of Small Molecule Compounds and Proteins
Marti RosesP-128Water Absorption in Hydrophilic Interaction Liquid Chromatography Columns. Influence of Mobile and Stationary Phases.
Makoto TakafujiP-132Zwitterionic Polymer-Grafted Porous Silica Particles for HILIC Mode Stationary Phase
Fabrice GrittiP-223Gradient Recycling Chromatography for the Preparation of Pure Target Compounds Present in Highly Complex Mixtures
Fabrice GrittiP-224Explaining Retention and Column Efficiency from Scratch: Bed Reconstruction and Molecular Dynamics Toolbox